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let se(e|a) be “blue”
let mis(t|sed) be “thick”
let mou?rning be “dark”
let me be nothing
knowsee, mist, morning † blue, thick, dark
knowsea, missed, mourning † blue, thick, dark


The first three assigns values to variables using the let keyword. In regex, the pipe (vertical line) operator matches either the token on the left or the right. The first variable can be referred to using either see or sea; the second variable can be referred to using either mist or missed, and the third variable can be referred to using either mourning or morning.

let se(e|a) be “blue”
let mis(t|sed) be “thick”
let mou?rning be “dark”

The next line defines the variable me as nothing, which is equivalent to the null value in other programming languages.

let me be nothing

In the last two lines, the know function, which is an alias for the print function, is used to print out the values of the variables, and the output appears as a comment on the same line. Because we defined the variable names using regex, they can each be referred to using two different names. The first line prints out the values of the variables using the first set of names, and the second line uses the second set of names. They both give the same result.

knowsee, mist, morning † blue, thick, dark
knowsea, missed, mourning † blue, thick, dark